
Selling Ideas – 5 Ways to Make it Easy to Buy

May 26, 2009

Are you in the business of selling ideas? A boss once told me two things. When you are selling ideas: “Make it easy to buy.” and “Take yes for an answer.” Simple and sage advice. Here are five ways you can improve your success selling ideas. Five thoughts / guidelines / principles, five Hip Shots [...]

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Meetings – 6 Ways to Avoid that Sucking Sound

May 7, 2009

We attend lots of meetings. This isn’t necessarily bad. A well manged meeting is a great opportunity to move the ball forward. You can also get great stimulation from interaction with colleagues. Here are 12 ways to build relationships at work. But I’m afraid that many most meetings are so badly managed they are nothing [...]

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Is the era of warm and fuzzy relationship marketing DEAD?

May 1, 2009

Each Friday, for the past three weeks, Deb Rapacz* has posed a relationship marketing power question and explored its implications. On the following Monday I provided some quick tips, some hip shots on how to use the insights in Deb’s post to help your business. This is the third post in the series. From auditing [...]

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