Marketing Strategy

Which Will be a More Successful: Marketing Your Products or Satsifying Your Customers?

June 28, 2011

My Facebook friend, Prof. Christopher Shallow, posted the following tip about successful marketing on his Facebook status: Solution to price competition is to develop a: 1. Differentiated offer 2. Differentiated delivery 3. Differentiated image (It is these three that differentiate the successful from the me-too’s!) His intent, stated later in the thread, was, …to help [...]

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The Relationship Marketing Matrix – Bringing Order to Chaos

May 16, 2011

I worked with a CMO twelve years ago who complained about the changing marketing environment he was forced to deal with. “It’s so complicated I just don’t know what the right decision is most of the time.” Take note, this was twelve years ago. Marketing in general, and Relationship Marketing in particular, is a whole [...]

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What Poker Can Teach Us About Being Successful in Business

April 25, 2011

Being in business isn’t hard. Sell something your customers need. Bring in more money than you send out. Having a successful business is a lot harder. Being successful means you have to do everything that much better than your competition. You need a positioning that’s, unique, competitive and motivating. This is hard. To be successful [...]

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