Relationship Marketing

Relationship Marketing – Do Twitter and Facebook Make Sense for You?

March 10, 2010

Last week I wrote about an approach to relationship marketing, Hub and Spoke: A Customer Marketing Strategy for the Rest of Us, that even the smallest business can use. Two of the most commonly used and least understood spokes, or tactics, in this approach to relationship marketing are Twitter and Facebook.

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CitiBank and Relationship Marketing – A Missed Opportunity

March 8, 2010

Relationship marketing is a big opportunity for businesses that is often overlooked. You can use this to your advantage by being the company or brand that recognizes the power of relationship marketing and uses it for competitive advantage. This morning The Ad Contrarian took a swipe at CitiBank Marketing for their foray into Social Media. Apparently [...]

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Customer Marketing – Good Customers Expect to be Rewarded

February 5, 2010

It always comes down to customer marketing.  Big business or small, your customers are your present and your future.  How can you use customer marketing to keep them coming back and buying more?

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