Business Relationships

What’s the Opposite of Passive Agressive Behavior

April 21, 2011

We hear a lot about passive aggressive behavior. But what’s the opposite? If we don’t want to be passive aggressive, what behavior do we want to demonstrate? We are coordinating a website build with, as often happens, multiple players. It’s a great team that is functioning quite smoothly except for a somewhat recalcitrant client. On [...]

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Acme Productivity Enhancer –
Bottleneck removal at your fingertips.

March 11, 2009

The difficult business environment has me thinking about productivity in the workplace, about doing more with less. In my experience, a key to improved productivity is the application of bottleneck remover or, said another way, delegate. Productivity is nice, but delegation can be scary. “What if they don’t do what I want done the way [...]

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