Heavy Users

The Relationship Marketing Matrix – Bringing Order to Chaos

May 16, 2011

I worked with a CMO twelve years ago who complained about the changing marketing environment he was forced to deal with. “It’s so complicated I just don’t know what the right decision is most of the time.” Take note, this was twelve years ago. Marketing in general, and Relationship Marketing in particular, is a whole [...]

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It’s the Heavy User, Stupid

July 13, 2010

Heavy users, are market makers. This is a recurring theme here on Hip Shots. Find and connect with the “heavy users” of the category you compete in and and you will find success. From the May 26th edition of AdAge: Demographics have almost no effect on whether TV ads produce sales, and consumers’ purchase history [...]

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Stimulating Business Growth with a Three Legged Stool

May 6, 2010

Business growth is hard at any time, it’s especially hard in a challenging economy. We’ve written about this before in Five Priorities in a Challenging Economy. But it’s not all doom and gloom. I’m getting calls from business leaders, the survivors and I’m hearing the same request consistently, “We’re doing fine but growth has stalled. [...]

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