Online Marketing

5 Steps to an Online Relationship Marketing Strategy

October 28, 2010

With most products and services competing in largely parity landscapes, the relationship a brand, product or service has with its customers is often its only competitive differentiation. Said another way, businesses with strong customer relationships usually lead their categories. That’s because the economics of relationship marketing are compelling; there are five sources of revenue from [...]

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How to Take Advantage of Relationship Moments

April 27, 2009

Last Friday Deb Rapacz contributed another Relationship Marketing Power Question: Are You Wasting Relationship Moments. As with previous posts in this series I will respond with some quick tips on how to use the ideas in Deb’s post in your business. The Relationship Marketing Matrix pictured above was developed ten years ago when I worked [...]

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Effective Online Marketing – Are You Panning for Gold?

March 3, 2009

You don’t have to look very hard here in San Francisco to see gold mining’s influence.  During the Gold Rush of 1849 hundreds of thousands of men, and some intrepid women, came to San Francisco seeking their fortune. What they found, when they reached the gold fields, was back-breaking work. A miner used a pan [...]

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